Tuesday 31 December 2013

Flash ECU by OBD port (procedures)

In this post i talk about flash the ecu by obd port.
I recommend some procedures to everything runs good.

If you do not have this i recommend you to buy and so before you can flash your ecu:

*battery charger
*Extension Power Supply
*recovery tool (optional, but important)

Verify the car
Turn Off all ancillaries if you know of any large power drains, turn it off, you can make it only need pull the fuse in the fusebox car .
I recommend discard the plug or withdraw the fan fuse, because If the car is still hot the fan can turn on.
Verify the car battery, see if it is good (12,5v) and connect the battery charger.
In my case, i always make this (i recommend it).

Verify your laptop
Verify the laptop battery, see if it is good and connect the charger to extension power supply (i recommend it).
Close all other programs on your laptop.
Disable all hibernate, standby and screensaver options. Turn off the antivirus software.
Only open the software to flash your ecu.

Verify the file
If you downloaded the file from a site or someone that you do not know handed him, please confirm with other chiptunner if the map is good or not (many files in internet are garbage, and can damage your engine) and make sure that the hardware and software are the same.
Ensure the file you wish to flash has definitely had the checksum corrected or your tool can correct it for you (make this always, I use two program the last is to confirm if the first did a good job).

I recommend to have a tool to make recovery. If something goes wrong you can repair it

You are ready
After this you can flash your ecu.
Has only attention to any disconnect in tool when you flash the ecu.

Sunday 29 December 2013

Logs on vagcom

Probably already seen or heard about make logs, made ​​by vagcom, this is an important tool and one of the ways we have to help us know how the car are and how we can improve.
I always advise to make logs before and after any changes.
We can get information about boost pressure (boost specified vs actual boost), IQ (injection quantity) (IQ requested vs Actual IQ), ..., and with this information know where you can improve.

You can download this pdf that showing all you need to make logs with vagcom.

When you save the vagcom log file you can see in excel, but is more dificult to interpret, so you can download this software that show your logs simplest way to understand.

Saturday 28 December 2013

Types of Edc15

how we know, nor all cars have the same ECU, the bosch, in diesel engines have Edc15, Edc16 and Edc17.
But the Edc15 have many types, that change according to the engine specifications.

Would you like to leave here an idea of the various types of Edc15:
  • Edc15C
  • Edc15M
  • Edc15P
  • Edc15V
Inside this types there are evolutions / upgrades!

you can download this file that show the many types of edc15 that exist and their upgrades / evolutions.

Friday 27 December 2013


Often when we read technical information in books or even on websites and forums are faced with some limitations in terms of using abbreviations, which makes us look like they're talking in code.
So i will leave here some of the meanings of the abbreviations for them to take note and so learn to decode. : D

DW - Driver wish
TI - Injection Time ou TD - Injection Duration
IQ - Injection Quantity
SOI - Start of Injection
EOI - End of Injection
EGT - Exhaust gas temperature
EGR - exhaust gas recirculation
REV - Revolutions
RPM - Revolutions per minute
DPF - Diesel particles filter
FAP - Filter particles
SVBL - Single value boost limiter
SVRL - Single value rail pressure limiter
MAP - Manifold absolute pressure
MAF - Mass air flow
AFR - Air fuel ratio
IAT - Intake air temperature
TDC - Top Dead Center
        BTDC - Before Top Dead Center
        ATDC - After Top Dead Center

I will add more as i remember or someone suggest!

blog presentation

hi, I started this blog to share my knowledge about this theme that is unheralded by who knows. I will try to take the maximum of doubts that are placed and help anyone wanting to learn. I will also be open to anyone who wants to help me with information and tips. Greetings